AUTOMOTODROM Zalužani near Banja Luka, after nearly 30 years of experiencing its second youth. Built within the vast complex of barracks Zalužani, which was so large that it plans at their place next to the racetrack and find Banjalučki fair and sport airport, and long years of military administration, the course was a regular host races circular Championships Yugoslavia and after Bosnia and Herzegovina.

For several years, the complex has its own civil administrator, AMK Banja Luka, the club of rich traditions and enthusiastic officials who, after extensive work to normalize conditions along the walkway in previous years.
The track is 3250 meters long and complained about of the biggest advantages is that , what goes on there to practice throughout the year, because it belongs to the category closed paths . There is also a CARTING track and OFFROAD trails that make this autodrom very special.



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